University of Wroclaw

The Research Group in Mathematical Analysis at University of Wrocław

(Zakład Analizy Matematycznej)

About our group

The research interests of our group focus recently on noncommutative harmonic analysis and noncommutative probability (combinatorics, free probability, noncommutative independences, noncommutative stochastic processes, quantum groups, random matrices). For many years the head of the group was Professor Marek Bożejko, famous in particular for his results on harmonic analysis on discrete groups and the introduction of the q-deformation of the Fock space with realisation of q-commutation relations, emeritus since 2016, but still active as the main organizer of the weekly seminar on Discrete Harmonic Analysis. Curently, the head of the group is Professor Ryszard Szwarc, known for his contributions to orthogonal polynomial theory. Other memebrs of the groups are: Biswarup Das, Wiktor Ejsmont, Wojciech Młotkowski, Lahcen Oussi, Anna Wysoczańska-Kula (the local supervisor of the project) and Janusz Wysoczański.

The group is very active. Since 1997, annualy or biannualy, the group organizes the Workshops in Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, each of which integrates ca. 100 specialists working in various topics being in and around noncommutative harmonic analysis and probability. The group has also developed a broad collaboration around the world, with scientists from, among others, Poland (Warsaw, Cracov), Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom and United States of America. The group was awarded by the following grants:

About our Institute

Mathematical Institute of the University of Wroclaw is one of the leading units in mathematics in Poland, gaining regularly the category A (very good) in the national assessment of scientific activities of scientific units. It has the right to confer doctoral degrees as well as habilitations, and to submit applications for the title of professor. It was created as one of the first units of the University of Wroclaw in 1945, the creators of which were, among others, H. Steinhaus, B. Knaster and E. Marczewski. Curently, it employes c.a 80 scientists, who are divided into 8 research groups. The Institute's employees are members of the scientific councils of many institutions (National Science Center, Committee of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Science, expert committees of EU grants in Brussels) and numerous editorial boards of mathematical journals. Also, the Mathematical Institute of the University of Wrocław edits "Colloquium Mathematicum" and "Probability and Mathematical Statistics", which are indexed in Journal Citation Reports since 2011.

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