
Conferences, workshops...

...I (co-)organize, attend, etc.

Current and coming events:

Past (recent) events:

Operator algebras, dynamics and groups, 1-4.07.2022, Copenhagen
Mini-Konferencja PTM, 2-3.06.2022, Warszawa
Geometric Structures in Group Theory, 27.02-5.03.2022, Oberwolfach
Metric Graph Theory and Related Topics, 6-10.12.2021, Luminy
Young Geometric Group Theory (YGGT) X, 26-30.07.2021, Newcastle
GAGTA 2021, 7-11.06.2021, Edinburgh
Perspectives on Artin groups, 24-26.05.2021, Edinburgh
Nonpositively Curved Complexes, 7-13.02.2021, Oberwolfach
Rigidity, 24.06-28.06.2019, Warszawa
Simons Semester, 1.04-15.07.2019, Warszawa
Group theory seminar at the DMA, 11.12.2018, Paris
Séminaire N. Bourbaki, 20.11.2018, Paris
Graphs, Surfaces and Cube Complexes, 9 - 13.07.2018, Warwick
Boundaries of Groups, 18 - 22.06.2018, Luminy
Nonpositively Curved Groups on the Mediterranean, 23 - 29.05.2018, Nahsholim
Proprietes geometriques et probabilistes des groupes infinis, 5 - 9.06.2017, Lille
Groups in Galway 2017, 18 - 20.05.2017, Galway
Non-Positive Curvature in Action, 9 - 13.01.2017, Cambridge
Boundaries of groups, 10.10 - 14.10.2016, San Jose
Measured Group Theory, 28.08 - 3.09.2016, Oberwolfach
Glances@Manifolds II, 8 - 13.08.2016, Krakow
Metric Spaces: Analysis, Embeddings into Banach Spaces, Applications, 5 - 9.07.2016, College Station
Masterclass: Expanders and rigidity of group actions, 2 - 6.05.2016, Copenhagen
Combinatorics and Groups, 11 - 14.04.2016, Bedlewo
Boundaries of groups and representations, 22 - 24.02.2016, Wien
ICMA 2015, 5 - 7.11.2015, Timisoara
GFT meets GGT, 14 - 17.10.2015, Warszawa
Group actions and metric embeddings, 8 - 11.09.2015, Kyoto
Januszkiewicz's birthday-conference, 29.06 - 3.07.2015, Wroclaw
Kombinatoryka i Grupy, 21 - 23.04.2015, Bedlewo
SSDNM lecture series, 11 - 13.03.2015, Warszawa
Geometric Topology, 18 - 24.01.2015, Oberwolfach
Expanders everywhere!, 1 - 5.12.2014, Neuchâtel
Between Combinatorics and Topology, 24 - 27.11.2014, Jerusalem
Topics in Geometric Group Theory, 29.09 - 5.10.2014, Bucharest
Groups and topology, 15 - 18.09.2014, Bedlewo and Poznan
Geometry of computation in groups, 31.03 - 4.04.2014, Vienna
3rd Young Geometric Group Theory Meeting, 20 - 24.01.2014, Luminy
Groups acting on median and related spaces, 26 - 27.11.2013, Orsay