Research interests
- Orthogonal polynomials
- Spectral analysis of Jacobi matrices
- Random matrices
- Discrete harmonic analysis
- P. Šťovíček, G. Świderski – On positive Jacobi matrices with compact inverses, submitted, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Nevai's condition for measures with unbounded supports, submitted, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Asymptotic zeros' distribution of orthogonal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients, submitted, arXiv.
- M. Moszyński, G. Świderski – Barrier nonsubordinacy and absolutely continuous spectrum of block Jacobi matrices, submitted, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, W. Van Assche – Christoffel functions for multiple orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Approximation Theory 283, 105820 (2022), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Orthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case II, Constructive Approximation 58(3), 615-686 (2023), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Orthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 74 no. 4, pp. 1521-1601 (2024), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – About essential spectra of unbounded Jacobi matrices, Journal of Approximation Theory 278, 105746 (2022), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Asymptotic behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation II, Journal of Approximation Theory 261, 105496 (2021), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Spectral properties of some complex Jacobi matrices, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 92, 11 (2020), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Asymptotic behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation I, Constructive Approximation 54(1), 49–116 (2021), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with slowly oscillating recurrence coefficients, Journal of Functional Analysis 278, Issue 3, 108326 (2020), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices III: The soft edge regime, Journal of Approximation Theory 233, 1–36 (2018), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Spectral properties of block Jacobi matrices, Constructive Approximation 48(2), 301–335 (2018), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices II: Formulas for density, Journal of Approximation Theory 216, 67–85 (2017), doi, arXiv, tests.
- G. Świderski, B. Trojan – Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices I: Asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors, Journal of Approximation Theory 216, 38–66 (2017), doi, arXiv.
- G. Świderski – Spectral properties of unbounded Jacobi matrices with almost monotonic weights, Constructive Approximation 44(1), 141–157 (2016), doi, arXiv.
- R. Szwarc, G. Świderski – Kaczmarz algorithm with relaxation in Hilbert space, Studia Mathematica 216(3), 237–243 (2013), pdf.
- A pseudospectral method for stochastic differential equations (MSc thesis in computer science, in Polish), pdf, tests.