Research interests


  1. P. Šťovíček, G. Świderski – On positive Jacobi matrices with compact inverses, submitted, arXiv.
  2. G. Świderski – Nevai's condition for measures with unbounded supports, submitted, arXiv.
  3. G. Świderski, B. TrojanAsymptotic zeros' distribution of orthogonal polynomials with unbounded recurrence coefficients, submitted, arXiv.
  4. M. Moszyński, G. Świderski – Barrier nonsubordinacy and absolutely continuous spectrum of block Jacobi matrices, submitted, arXiv.
  5. G. Świderski, W. Van AsscheChristoffel functions for multiple orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Approximation Theory 283, 105820 (2022), doi, arXiv.
  6. G. Świderski, B. TrojanOrthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case II, Constructive Approximation 58(3), 615-686 (2023), doi, arXiv.
  7. G. Świderski, B. TrojanOrthogonal polynomials with periodically modulated recurrence coefficients in the Jordan block case, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Volume 74 no. 4, pp. 1521-1601 (2024), doi, arXiv.
  8. G. Świderski, B. TrojanAbout essential spectra of unbounded Jacobi matrices, Journal of Approximation Theory 278, 105746 (2022), doi, arXiv.
  9. G. Świderski, B. TrojanAsymptotic behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation II, Journal of Approximation Theory 261, 105496 (2021), doi, arXiv.
  10. G. Świderski – Spectral properties of some complex Jacobi matrices, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 92, 11 (2020), doi, arXiv.
  11. G. Świderski, B. TrojanAsymptotic behaviour of Christoffel–Darboux kernel via three-term recurrence relation I, Constructive Approximation 54(1), 49–116 (2021), doi, arXiv.
  12. G. Świderski, B. TrojanAsymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with slowly oscillating recurrence coefficients, Journal of Functional Analysis 278, Issue 3, 108326 (2020), doi, arXiv.
  13. G. Świderski – Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices III: The soft edge regime, Journal of Approximation Theory 233, 1–36 (2018), doi, arXiv.
  14. G. Świderski – Spectral properties of block Jacobi matrices, Constructive Approximation 48(2), 301–335 (2018), doi, arXiv.
  15. G. Świderski – Periodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices II: Formulas for density, Journal of Approximation Theory 216, 67–85 (2017), doi, arXiv, tests.
  16. G. Świderski, B. TrojanPeriodic perturbations of unbounded Jacobi matrices I: Asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors, Journal of Approximation Theory 216, 38–66 (2017), doi, arXiv.
  17. G. Świderski – Spectral properties of unbounded Jacobi matrices with almost monotonic weights, Constructive Approximation 44(1), 141–157 (2016), doi, arXiv.
  18. R. Szwarc, G. Świderski – Kaczmarz algorithm with relaxation in Hilbert space, Studia Mathematica 216(3), 237–243 (2013), pdf.
