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Partial Differential Equations
Dynamical Systems
Nonlinear Functional Analysis
Mean Field Equations
General Relativity


  1. D. Bors, R. Stańczy, Mathematical model for Sagittarius A* and related Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science 46 (2023), 12052-12063 :: doi

  2. D. Bors, R. Stańczy, Dynamical system describing cloud of particles
    Journal of Differential Equations 342 (2023), 21--23 :: doi

  3. D. Bors, R. Stańczy, Existence and multiplicity results for Dirichlet problem with fractional laplacian and nonlinearity
    Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 23 (2021), 1-16 :: doi

  4. D. Bors, R. Stańczy, Models of particles of the Michie-King type,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 382 (2021), 1243-1262, link :: doi

  5. D. Bors, R. Stańczy,
    Existence and continuous dependence on parameters of radially symmetric solutions to astrophysical model of self-gravitating particles,
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science 42 (2019), 7381-7394 :: doi

  6. D. Bors, R. Stańczy, Dynamical system modeling fermionic limit,
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 23 (2018), 45-55 :: doi arXiv:1612.05442

  7. R. Stańczy, On stationary and radially symmetric solutions to some drift-diffusion equations with nonlocal term
    Applicable Analysis 95 (2016), 97-104 :: doi arxiv:1101.1533

  8. J. Dolbeault, R. Stańczy,
    Bifurcation diagrams and multiplicity for nonlocal elliptic equations modeling gravitating systems based on Fermi-Dirac statistics
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A 35 (2015), 139-154 :: doi arxiv:1309.1930

  9. T. Kulczycki, R. Stańczy, Multiple solutions for Dirichlet nonlinear BVPs involving fractional Laplacian
    Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B 19 (2014), 2581-2591 :: doi arxiv:1311.0645

  10. R. Stańczy, Multiple solutions for equations involving bilinear, coercive and compact forms with applications to differential equations
    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 405 (2013), 416-421 :: doi arxiv:1104.4848

  11. R. Stańczy, On an evolution system describing self-gravitating particles in microcanonical setting
    Monatshefte fur Mathematik 162 (2011), 197-224 :: doi arxiv:0905.1388

  12. J. Dolbeault, R. Stańczy, Non-existence and uniqueness results for supercritical semilinear elliptic equations
    Annales Henri Poincare 10 (2010), 1311-1333 :: doi arxiv

  13. R. Stańczy, The existence of equilibria of many-particle systems
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh A 139 (2009), 623-631 :: doi

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