2008 edition

The 2008 edition Random Groups and Graphs took place at Bedlewo conference center from June 23th to June 27th with funding from Banach Center and University of Wroc law.

This is the second edition of an annual event Topics in Geometric Group Theory.

2007 edition

The 2007 edition CAT(0) Cubical and Systolic Complexes took place at Bedlewo conference center from June 25th to June 29th with funding from Banach Center and University of Wroclaw.
The full list of participants and detailed programme.

This was the first edition of an annual event Topics in Geometric Group Theory.

Scientific Committee

Mladen Bestvina (Utah), Brian Bowditch (Southampton), Martin Bridson (London), Ursula Hamenstädt (Bonn), Tadeusz Januszkiewicz (Ohio), Pierre Pansu (Orsay), Michah Sageev (Haifa), Jacek Świątkowski (Wrocław), Alain Valette (Neuchâtel), Karen Vogtmann (Cornell), and Daniel Wise (Montreal).

The overview

The conference is an annual event aimed at PhD students and young researchers. The idea is to combine well-received parts (that were addressed to young participants) of two recent conferences in Bedlewo - a conference on Geometric Group Theory (2004) and the "Borsuk" conference on Geometric Topology (2005). Workshop: a series of lectures, given by a specialist, accompanied by recitations. Question Sessions: a question and answer session held in a relaxed atmosphere. Up to 12 one-hour conference talks are planned as well, but the emphasis is on the workshop and the question sessions.


Swiatoslaw R. Gal and Damian Osajda.

About MRCC Bedlewo

Bedlewo is located 30 kilometrs south of Poznan, major town half way between Warsaw and Berlin with good train connections to both.