Part. I Algebraic and Analytic Questions Concerning Crystallographic Groups for Hoermander Fields, Part.II Smoothing and Ergodicity of Dissipative Dynamics for Large Interacting Systems

Dyskretna analiza harmoniczna i niekomutatywna probabilistyka
Osoba referująca: 
Bogusław Zegarliński (Imperial College London)
środa, 24. Maj 2017 - 10:45
OW IMPAN, Kopernika 18, godziny 10:45-13:00

Part. I Algebraic and Analytic Questions Concerning Crystallographic Groups for Hoermander Fields

Abstract: I will introduce a notion of Coxeter group associated to a finite family of fields, (e.g. generators of nilpotent Lie groups), present examples and possibly interesting questions to Algebraists and Analysts. I will also introduce natural Dunkl type extensions of fields and Markov semigroups, and present some (crude) bounds of corresponding heat kernel.

Part.II Smoothing and Ergodicity of Dissipative Dynamics for Large Interacting Systems

Abstract: This would be about Properties of Markov Semigroups with Hormarder type generators as well as some generalisation of Dunkl generators.